Bankrate, Inc. (NYSE: RATE)

Rowley Law PLLC is investigating potential claims against Bankrate, Inc. (NYSE: RATE) and its board of directors concerning the proposed acquisition of Bankrate by Red Ventures Holdco, LP for $14.00 per share in cash. The transaction is valued at approximately $1.3 billion.

If you are a Bankrate, Inc. shareholder and are interested in obtaining additional […]

Bankrate, Inc. (NYSE: RATE)2017-09-19T15:36:25+00:00

Sparton Corporation (NYSE: SPA)

Rowley Law PLLC is investigating potential claims against Sparton Corporation (NYSE: SPA) and its board of directors concerning the proposed acquisition of Sparton by Ultra Electronics Holdings plc for $23.50 per share in cash. The transaction is valued at more than $231 million.

If you are a Sparton Corporation shareholder and are interested in obtaining […]

Sparton Corporation (NYSE: SPA)2017-09-19T15:34:52+00:00
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